














获得联邦学生援助(FSA)的学生必须, 根据联邦法规, 保持令人满意的学业进展(SAP).  根据联邦第四章法律, 学校的SAP要求必须满足一定的最低要求, and be at least as strict as the institution’s established SAP policy for students not receiving FSA funds.  This policy applies to students receiving FSA for semester/periods of enrollment that begin on or after July 1, 2011.

用于评估学术进步的标准是累积和, 因此, 包括学生入学的所有时期, 包括学生没有获得联邦财政援助资金的时期. 

联邦财政援助的OUWB SAP政策是什么?

维持联邦财政援助资格, 学生必须证明在完成学位方面取得了令人满意的进展.  联邦法规要求三种测量方法来确定SAP:定性, 数量和时间框架.


在确定学生的学业质量进步, 金融服务 follows OUWB’s 学生表现检讨委员会’s (SPRC) academic review policy that is applied to all students regardless of financial aid eligibility and meets the minimum Title IV SAP requirements. The qualitative academic progress of every medical student is formally reviewed annually, 在学年结束时由SPRC颁发.

An SPRC decision of Dismissal would result in a student not meeting the qualitative requirement.


在学术上取得量化的进步, students must successfully complete a sufficient proportion of credits attempted in order to graduate within the maximum timeframe. All attempted and completed credits will be evaluated at the end of each academic year to determine the student’s cumulative course completion ratio (PACE).


  • 第一年入学后- 50%
  • 在第二年和之后的所有入学年份之后- 67%

学生 whose ratio of successfully completed credits to attempted credits is less than indicated above are not meeting the quantitative (PACE) requirement.



  • 成绩:优等生、高及格、及格、补习及格
  • 尝试,但未完成:失败,不完整,不满意,退出

注:未完成的成绩改为荣誉成绩, 高通, 或通过被计算为尝试和完成. 未完成的分数变为不及格, 令人不满意的, 或撤回被计算为尝试, 但还没有完成.

Transfer Credits: Credits earned at another institution by a student who transfers into OUWB will be calculated as both attempted and completed.

Repeated Credits: Each and every successfully completed attempt of a course counts as attempted, 但只有最后一次成功完成的尝试才算完成.


Maximum timeframe is the maximum number of years after initial enrollment that a student may complete courses in the full-time pursuit of a degree and be eligible for financial aid.  完成所需课程的正常时间框架.D. OUWB的学位是四(4)学年. The maximum number of years allowed for matriculation is six (6) academic years after initial enrollment (150% of the normal timeframe for completion).


  • 在不超过三(3)个学年内完成所有M1和M2课程
  • 在不超过三(3)个学年内完成所有M3和M4课程
  • 在不超过六(6)学年的时间内完成所有学位要求(毕业)

A student is no longer meeting the maximum timeframe requirement at the point it is determined that they will be unable to complete coursework or graduate within the above stated timeframes.


The period of time for which a student received an approved leave of absence (LOA) will be excluded from the maximum timeframe required to complete their program for satisfactory academic progress for federal financial aid.



前提是满足SAP需求, students may receive financial aid funding for the repeat of a failing grade or withdrawal of any class or classes.  Repeat of the same successfully completed course may only be funded one additional time. 


前提是满足SAP需求, students who failed a course(s) and are required to repeat an entire year of coursework, 这也包括成功完成的课程, will be eligible for federal financial aid for the repeat of the required academic year.  资助只会在同一学年的重复课程中提供一次.


OUWB 金融服务 will review the quantitative and maximum timeframe satisfactory academic progress of all medical students at the end of each academic year. This review will take place after 金融服务 has been notified that the SPRC has completed its review of the qualitative academic progress of all medical students. 


学生 who fail to meet any of the SAP requirements will be ineligible to receive any further financial aid funding. 金融服务 will notify the student in writing of their aid suspension status and the appeal process for possible reinstatement, 如果适用的话.


没有提供财务援助SAP要求的学生可以提交一份书面的, 根据特殊情况提出的书面申诉(如.g., the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances). 金融服务 will notify the student if they are eligible to complete the appeal process for reinstatement of aid.   上诉必须:

  • 解释未能满足SAP要求的原因;
  • 记录情况;
  • Indicate that the circumstance(s) have been resolved to allow for future academic success.

上诉由SAP上诉委员会审理,可以批准或拒绝. The SAP Appeals Committee is convened by the Associate Director of 金融服务 and includes representatives from 记录及注册, 学生事务, 以及其他被认为合适的部门. SAP上诉委员会的决定是最终的.

  • Approved Appeals: 学生 whose appeals are approved 是否会被安排在经济资助试用期. 请参阅下面的“经济援助试用期和学术计划”.
  • Denied Appeals:  学生 whose appeals are denied may re-establish SAP for federal financial aid eligibility by taking and paying for courses without federal financial aid funding. Federal financial aid may be reinstated beginning with the term immediately following the term in which it is determined that all SAP requirements were met.

It is the responsibility of the student to contact 金融服务 to discuss payment options and the specific steps necessary to re-establish eligibility.


学生, 谁的恢复财政资助的请求被批准, 是否会被安排在经济资助试用期.  The SPRC will create an Academic Plan detailing the terms which the student must meet to ensure satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion within the maximum timeframe. 学生 must meet the terms set forth in the Academic Plan in order to continue receiving federal financial aid.

学生 will remain on Financial 援助 Probation until they have met the terms of the Academic Plan and are meeting the qualitative, 数量和最大时间框架要求.  



